anti-aging, antisocial behaviour, Anxiety, attitude, beauty, education, fashion, Health and wellbeing, help, life, menopause, travel

Clothes come in sizes not ages (unless you are under fifteen).

There have been a lot of ‘news’ reports on scandalous body image advertising and ideals recently. The most notorious being the Protein worlds  “Are you beach body ready” which leads my nicely to Janet Street Porters piece about not wearing a bikini after the age of 20.

I do understand Janet’s argument and that is what works for her but I think it’s outrageous to start putting these ideas into women’s heads and start putting age restrictions on clothing. We have enough subliminal confidence thrashing as it is. If you have the confidence in your mind and body and are comfortable with yourself then you shouldn’t be put off from wearing whatever you like – I do however draw the line at a thong, that is a garment that is friend to no one!

Janet claims that ” A bikini simply makes all women over the age of twenty feel exposed, vulnerable and a little bit ridiculous. Put one on head to the pool and there is always going to be a teenager looking 200 per cent better than you.”

I would like to argue that teenagers do not always look better or certainly not sexier than a confident, curvy, real woman, and I am not just talking bikinis either!

I am definitely a bikini girl and I’m nearly forty six. i actually find swimsuits a bit claustrophobic and too hot. I take regular stabs at looking after myself and always look after my skin, so I know I do not look my age, but I have never consciously tried to be bikini ready. Neither have I fallen foul to Janet’s ” Temporary insanity that comes with trying to keep up with a much younger partner.”

My partner is 29 and he loves me the way I am, that is why he is with me. I don’t understand why you would try and change what he was attracted to in the first place. Yes I agree maintenance is required but not actually time turning!

What do you think? Has Janet toughed a raw nerve with you? Do you draw the line anywhere, believing you are too old to wear a particular garment? I am really curious, so let me know.

antisocial behaviour, attitude, education, Health and wellbeing, joy, life, new beginning, personal growth, youth

Freedom of speech not to preach.

We are very lucky, at the moment, to live in a country where we have the freedom of speech and within reason, the choice to live as we please (this of course has to be within our means). I totally appreciate this until some people choose to take this one step further and start preaching or forcing their choices down your throat.

I started to think about this when I felt really quite offended by a friends status on Facebook, on the subject of the benefits of being child free. I, just like my friend, am a child free woman, I made that choice many years ago but, a bit like not eating meat I do not enforce these choices on other people. Over my 45 years I have heard them all, ‘never say never’, ‘you will change your mind, ‘It’s different when they are your own’ and the majority of women telling me I was selfish and it was unnatural blah, blah, blah. I choose not to have children for my own reasons, I have never felt maternal, I had a career, I was never with the right guy at the right time the list is endless, but all perfectly viable reasons for not bringing a baby into this world under my guidance! But I would never be anything but supportive of those who choose to have children. Just like the non- meat eating thing, that is again my choice, I’ve never really liked it, I am a lazy eater and have grown to really not relish the thought of it. But again it is not my place to dictate to other people what they want to put in their mouths.

We are all given the opportunity to make these informed, educated decisions and as individuals can do as we please. But that does not give us the right to force our choices down other peoples throats.

Which brings me back nicely to the offensive comment, it wasn’t the posted article ’12 reasons why being child free rocks’ it was actually being told   “Should be 13 reasons, with number one being – not having to put up with a whining, crying, ugly, annoying, smelly thing.”  As I have mentioned I am not a mother but I do have three very beautiful, treasured nieces and would hate to think that anyone could see them as that. Children are very special gifts and their innocence and wonderful wide eyed view of the world is infectious and should be respected for what it is. I often think if only we could stay like that, what a much nicer world this would be to live in.

Remember you are lucky to have the freedom of speech, but do not cross the lines into preaching and offending people by pushing your opinions at people, especially on a subject that is so subjective and human.

antisocial behaviour, attitude, diet, fashion, food, Health and wellbeing, joy, life, new beginning, passion, personal growth, youth

# 24 A year in Arbonne.

A year ago I became an Independant Consultant for a beauty, health and wellbeing company called Arbonne.
I was having a very hard time, having lost my job and direction in life. I can honestly say that being involved in the business and using the products has helped me greatly. Having hit rock bottom my skin was grey and lifeless, thin and sad hair and yoyo weight issues due to depression, eating disorders and medication.
The first product I used was the RE9 anti-aging skin collection, cleanser, toner, eye cream, serum, moisturiser and night cream. I laughed when I read ‘shows visable difference within 24 hours’ , but it really does and a year later my skin is better than ever and shows no signs of the trauma I have been through.
I swear by the Intelligence thermal fusion hair & scalp revitaliser, when used in conjunction with the FC5 shampoo and conditioner. It has helped boost the growth and texture of my hair so it now looks quite ‘normal’. My Mother uses it, after years of back combing and bleaching her hair is now soft, shiney and better than ever. It has also helped my Aunt after Chemotherapy to boost the regrowth.
As a self confessed ice cream addict I generally have one of the chocolate protein shakes, blended with lots of ice and cold water everyday. There is the minimum of sugar but all of the vitamins and protein that I need for the day, so much better than a carton of Ben & Jerrys.
Also living in a sun starved country, we are all deficient in vitamin D so I get mine from the Vitamin D with B12 spray, just three sprays on the tongue every morning and I’m done ( it tastes yummy too).
All of this and more from a range of products that are pure, safe and beneficial. Arbonne products are botanical, vegan certified and green in substance and packaging. In this age of free radicals and harmful chemicals I feel confident that I am not doing myself, family or friends harm by reccommending Arbonne.
Please feel free to contact me directly or check my Arbonne page I am happy to answer any questions or meet you for a consultation. Maybe you might want to join me in the business!

antisocial behaviour, attitude, life, youth

#23 What happened to respect?

I just need to get something off my chest.

This is a tale about my evening with Seasick Steve.

Before going to the Hammersmith Eventim (the odeon to most of us!) we went for a quick bite in the pub. As my boyfriend sat down a guy from the adjacent table plonked an empty (beer filled) tray on the table we were taking. The group of guys ( and one girl) grew whilst my boyfriend was at the bar ordering. One person asked if they could take the spare chair nearest to them, fine, I don’t need it. Then the tray ‘abandoner’ just came over, to the other side of the table, and just picked up my boyfriends chair! No hello, may I, nothing! I told him the chair was taken, he just looked at me like I was filth so I repeated that the seat was taken, but that he could have his tray back. I was then told ” don’t give me your attitude, it’s not necessary” , excuse me? Rude?

Now I am a 45 year old woman (not that I look it ), old enough to be his mother, I don’t think that behaviour is acceptable. For two pins I would have smashed his beer sodden tray over his stupid head, but I was not prepared to stoop to his level or risk ending up in hospital

Then during Seasick Steve’s show  there was a gang of about six lads near us, who were very drunk and were shouting very loudly throughout, this seems to be standard behavior. I was quite shocked and upset by hearing one of them shouting “And who is this c**t”  at a young girl that Steve had pulled out of the audience to sing to.

Now I would not say I am a raging Feminist, I agree that we need equality in many areas but I do not think that common decency should still be applied. What has happened to make young males feel that they can treat people in this manner. I am not saying that some young women behave any better, I’m just going by my evenings experience.

Where has this disrespectful attitude come from? Their parents (my generation) ? It’s disgusting, it makes me want to stay indoors away from harm, I don’t like the attitude, language, behavior.

That’s all I have to say, I just needed to say something.

I don’t know what we can do about it, or indeed whose job it is to do it, but it makes me very sad and scared for our world.
