anti-aging, Anxiety, attitude, Depression, diet, education, food, Health and wellbeing, help, joy, life, morning, new beginning, personal growth

Good Morning

One of the perks of working from home for me has to be morning televison or This Morning to be exact.

I love the presenters, Philip & Holly, Eamonn & Ruth and Rylan. They actually cover some very serious and enlightening topics, which I lap up for research purposes obviously. The amazing nutritionist Amelia Freer has been on twice so has Deliciously Ella, the books from both of these ladies are helping me with my Candida Dysbiosis and it’s great to see them promoting what some people still see as a cranks diet! But most of all I love the fact that they make me laugh.

Laughter is a very important thing in life, apart from being one of the most fulfilling emotional releases (which many of us do not get enough of), it’s actually a very good exercise for our core stomach muscles.Imagine how fantastic a washboard stomach just from lots of belly laughter as opposed to crunches! It’s also great for stress and anxiety.

HOT TIP for a flat tummy.

Try standing up straight and blowing up a balloon as much as you can with one big breath, fifteen times, everyday. You use the same muscles as you do for crunches and sit ups, without killing your back!

Mental exercise for your well being is just as important as the physical stuff. For this (apart from my Sudoku addiction) I love The Chase. Bradley Walsh and the chasers apart from being very intelligent and competitive are again very funny. And the fast paced questioning gives your brain a good workout.

I am going to miss this as I am now back in full time employment.

Back to just the balloons and the Sudoku!

anti-aging, attitude, diet, education, food, Health and wellbeing, joy, life, morning, new beginning, passion, personal growth, routine, youth

It’s good to be a lemon in the morning.

Have I mentioned I’m going back to full time employment next week?

As a run up to that momentous event I’m going crazy trying to organise all of my blogs, newsletters, social media posts etc for Hat Attic and plan menus (we are fussy, clean eaters) and sort out running a home! This is where I thank goodness I do not have children.

I thought I’d share with you the one part of my life I have off pat already, my morning routine.

I wake up at 7am, when G gets up for work and as we live in a bedsit I stay in bed (don’t want to get in the way) and I do my meditation which involves my gratitude list (literally a list of all of the things, events, people I am grateful for), positive affirmations and my to do list for the day.

Then I have a big mug of fresh lemon and ginger in hot water. This is one of the best treats you can give yourself as apart from the fact that it is a great internal cleanser, it’s great for digestion, the immune system, hydration and energy, skin rejuvenation and weight loss, to name but a few reasons, the antitoxidants not only combat anti-aging but help reduce the risk of many types of cancer.

Then it’s time for a bit of a stretch (planks and bridges), I do a lot of walking so it’s just basic exercise at this point.

Followed by my breakfast of protein shake and vitamins, shower, face, clothes ( sorted out the night before), TA DAH! ready to face the day!
