attitude, beauty, education, fashion, Health and wellbeing, help, joy, life, personal growth, routine

Help, I’ve lost a nail.

colour collection of Mint

Mint colour collection

A trip to the nail bar is definitely a treat, a chance to just sit and be pampered, or a part of a weekly grooming routine for some. Nail products are now the strongest growth area of the beauty industry.
You don’t notice it when you’ve been sitting there for a while but have you ever wondered what that aroma that hits you as you come in the door is doing to you? Let alone the poor people working in there!
Have you ever wondered what toxins are in those fabulous shiny colours, that is seeping into your nails?
It could be argued that occasional exposure to these ‘small’ doses of toxins are not harmful but when you combine them with the other fragrances, make up, body lotions and potions that you have already put in your system, you can not brush them off as insignificant. They are adhered to your nails after all!
Many of these ‘chemicals’ have shown adverse effects, even at low doses to in particular pregnant women and children (who are always putting their fingers in their mouths).

Let me tell you about the five main culprits in this chemical war.
A solvent used to mix the ingredients, this is the sweet, sharp vapour that is in the air.
Effects to your health : dry or cracked skin, headaches, numbness, eye or throat irritation and in extreme cases (more likely your nail technician) kidney or liver damage.

Oily liquids that help polished nails from becoming dry & brittle. High levels (unlikely to be found in nail polish) can interfere with reproductive hormones and cause eye, skin, nose and mouth irritations.
The use of this is becoming less frequent and is now banned by the European Union.

This is used as a polish hardener and preservative, towards bacterial contamination.
It should be avoided if you have had an allergic or skin reaction after using other nail products.

Formaldehyde resin
Known to cause dermatitis.

A scent which can cause nausea, dizziness and headaches.

These are just the five main ‘demons’ found in 5 out of 7 polishes in a recent study.

I am telling you about this because it is a lesson that I have learnt from personal experience.
I used to love having my gel manicures, they lasted for weeks without a chip or wear to be seen. But little did I know how I was creating brittle damaged nails and very dry skin and cuticles. The frequent acetone soaks (to get the polish off) can cause allergic reactions and dermatitis around the nail and that is nothing compared to the exposure of the ultraviolet light to harden the gel!!!!
Skin damage even the risk of skin cancer with frequent exposure.

I now only use skin care, body care and cosmetics from reputable five free (or more) companies.

Mint Polish is my nail care of choice, not only do they offer fabulous colours but they are also free from these nasties so everyone can use them without fear.

“We pride ourselves on being more than just a nail polish company – we are a lifestyle brand focused on spreading awareness on girls and women all over the world about potentially hazardous ingredients in cosmetics and more” Greta at Mint polish.

Don’t be silly be sensible, just like children our hands go in our mouths and in our food everyday. Don’t ingest these chemicals in your system via your mouth or your skin, you will regret it!
And as long as you do your Mint manicure properly it can last you for up to two weeks.

Step one : Apply a coat of the fantastic rubberised texture basecoat.
Step two : Colour and let your nails dry properly.
Step three : Apply two coats of the glossy top sealer.
I top up the sealer every other day!

anti-aging, Anxiety, attitude, Depression, diet, education, Health and wellbeing, joy, life, new beginning, passion, personal growth, routine, youth

What do you mean you can see my scalp?

It is one of the most debilitating, self esteem shaking, scary things that can happen to a woman. It’s clipping the wings of a beautiful peacock or shaving a Crufts winning red setter. What am I talking about?? Being a woman and losing your hair, that’s what.

There are many different reasons that this may happen to you and most are not obvious.
Chemotherapy, the most common question asked by women is not about the drugs but ‘will I loose my hair?’.
Aging, it is widely believed that we all start losing our hair as we get older, but this could be as a result of many things like hormonal changes. Loss of estrogen leaves DHT, the testosterone derived hormone that produces hair growth, uncontrolled and therefore an imbalance occurs. The androgens (male hormones) get the edge.
It could be any number of physical or mental illnesses, stress, anxiety and depression, hypothyroidism, an autoimmune disease (Alopecia or Lupus).
It could be the medications you take or the contraceptives you use.
Maybe it is a family pattern or even the natural structure of your hair shafts & follicles or even excessive styling, whatever it is it is, it is soul destroying.
Make sure that the first thing you do when you notice it is to go to your GP and get some blood tests done, just incase it is an illness that needs treating, when you’ve ruled out these things you can stop stressing and find a treatment that works for you.

It was my then boyfriend that uttered those words to me (must be eight years ago) ‘I can really see your scalp’, needless to say he is now an ex! I had left my marriage and was being bullied by the MD at work, so to say I was a bit stressed would be an understatement. I was crestfallen, I had always been known for my perfect, shiny, well looked after barnet.
I went to my GP and asked lots of questions, not to be given many answers I have to admit. My contraceptive pill was changed and blood tests taken, coming back with no evidence to any kind of illness. So I went on a mission to cure my increasing shiny scalp. I tried every pill, lotion & potion available, I spent a small fortune, I had to I was going bald!
My prayers we finally answered about a year ago when I started using Arbonne. The magic combination of FC5 shampoo & conditioner and a once a week scalp revitalising treatment, to make sure I wasn’t dreaming I got my Aunt (who had Chemotherapy fifteen years ago) to try it too. We both had new hair, little fluffy baby hairs on the hairline and padding out the scalp! Even my Mum, who has over the years over processed her hair so to speak (bleaching, backcombing, bad hairspray, heat), uses it all of the time and her hair is the best condition it has ever been in and so full she doesn’t need to backcomb anymore!
The products are clean and pure, no nasty chemicals and the scalp treatment has peppermint and horsetail extract that tingles and revitalises your scalp and hair follicles.
I also got my hairdresser to put really choppy layers into my bob, which gives the illusion of fuller hair but regular cutting also encourages the growth of the new hair. I also find that colouring (lighter that your own shade is best) helps too. I do not put lots of chemical laden creams, mousses, gels etc in my hair (it only weighs it down to be honest) I give a quick spritz of Colorlast serum after drying and maybe Colourlast hairspray (which smells deliciously fruity) and go.
My hair will never be the same as it was when I had an inch and a half thick plait running down my back but it is full, shiny and healthy again, and that is my hair not my scalp!
And even if I’m having a bad hair day, yes we all still have them, I can use it as a great excuse to wear a fabulous hat!

anti-aging, attitude, diet, education, food, Health and wellbeing, joy, life, morning, new beginning, passion, personal growth, routine, youth

It’s good to be a lemon in the morning.

Have I mentioned I’m going back to full time employment next week?

As a run up to that momentous event I’m going crazy trying to organise all of my blogs, newsletters, social media posts etc for Hat Attic and plan menus (we are fussy, clean eaters) and sort out running a home! This is where I thank goodness I do not have children.

I thought I’d share with you the one part of my life I have off pat already, my morning routine.

I wake up at 7am, when G gets up for work and as we live in a bedsit I stay in bed (don’t want to get in the way) and I do my meditation which involves my gratitude list (literally a list of all of the things, events, people I am grateful for), positive affirmations and my to do list for the day.

Then I have a big mug of fresh lemon and ginger in hot water. This is one of the best treats you can give yourself as apart from the fact that it is a great internal cleanser, it’s great for digestion, the immune system, hydration and energy, skin rejuvenation and weight loss, to name but a few reasons, the antitoxidants not only combat anti-aging but help reduce the risk of many types of cancer.

Then it’s time for a bit of a stretch (planks and bridges), I do a lot of walking so it’s just basic exercise at this point.

Followed by my breakfast of protein shake and vitamins, shower, face, clothes ( sorted out the night before), TA DAH! ready to face the day!
