fashion, Health and wellbeing, joy, life, new beginning, passion, personal growth

# 22 A blog about the blog.

I challenge anyone to come out of Alexander McQueens Savage Mind and not feel inspired somehow. It’s not just about fashion, it is also about our lives.You have to remember this man was just as messed up, if not more so than most of us who live with a mental illness, or was he???? Was he just allowing his dreams and imagination to be free, was he just bullish enough to do exactly what he wanted to do, with no reservations.

Read the review that I wrote for my website here, have a look at my website at the same time!

I’m actually donating 5% of all hat saleswear-a-hat-day to Wear a hat day (March 27th) to help Brain Tumour research.

fashion, Health and wellbeing, joy, life, new beginning, passion, personal growth

# 21 It’s all about me !

Enough of the doom & gloom that fills most of my time, here is a little something pleasing and uplifting and surprisingly it’s all about me !

It’s a piece written by my accounts and business advisors, I hope you find it as inspiring as I did!

As you can tell from my previous blogs I am as far from an ego maniac as you can get, it’s really interesting to read how other people view you and what you do. This has inspired me to get up and get on with making my business even more of a wonderful, mindful place for like minded people to shop.

Health and wellbeing, life, new beginning, personal growth

#20 Trying to make a living.

I live a pretty simple life, despite my ‘job’ I’m not a materialistic person, I just cater for those who maybe.

It is taking time to understand and accept the ‘me’ that is left. I am still recovering after the bullying, death, shock unemployment and acute depression that I have been subjected to in the last few years. My boyfriend admires me for my independence and strength, but I don’t have the energy to be strong anymore, I’m tired. My friends don’t understand when I say I am a different person now, they say everybody is and that we all change as we get older. Why can they not see that this is not an age thing this is a circumstance and experience thing? The whole age thing makes me angry, I don’t feel any older, in many ways I feel like a frightened child.

Despite all of this mental turmoil, that only I can eradicate, I am not dragging my heels, I have to live somehow!

Whilst updating my CV, a document that had not been touched for eighteen years, I realised that I am sitting on a wealth of experience. I have all of the tools, contacts and knowledge to set up an immediate business, seamlessly.

I have taken some really hard knocks in the not so distant past but I am not going to let it pin me down, I can’t I have a life to live. I have set up in two businesses, skincare and wellbeing in the shape of :

and my designer hats, fashion accessories and lifestyle gifts webshop :

I am still healing and some days are really hard, not helped by those that do not understand that I do not need a little part time job to get me out of the house, I have businesses to run, that’s a full time job! I am just lucky to have the luxury to be able to work around my mental health issues. But being able to do that with support and understanding, for the new and different me, would be nice.
